Get a job and thrive as a Junior UX Designer
Join us for a full day of coaching and discovery to help you create your CV, Portfolio, and cover letter.

We will spend half of the day focusing on personal values and limiting beliefs which are the ones that guide our actions and help us or hinder us in getting the job that we want.
This part will be filled with exercises will which will help you think and will challenge the Status Quo.
The second half of the day will be more focused on the creation of documents – CV, Portfolio, and cover letter. We will cover the best practices and look at some of the examples.
Day will finish with two awesome guests:
- Mareike Klauss, a junior UI Designer at Cliqz Gmbh
- Tod Khanian, UX Designer at Cyber-Duck
Mareike will talk about how to thrive as a Junior Designer in a new job and Tod will share with us his own journey to getting a job of his dreams.
Detailed agenda
1. Get a job
- Where it all begun
- Values
- Limiting beliefs
- Dream
- A non-recipe to get a job
- Does it really work?! by Tod Khaninan
2. Thrive
- Best practices by Mareike Klauss
- SWAT analysis
- Next Steps
3. Q & A