Published: 18. 04. 2023


I’m extremely visual. My neurodivergent brain doesn’t store much of what I only hear about; I must see it. But this year, while driving back and forth between Germany and Slovenia, I found a few podcasts that opened up my brain to new ideas. Even if the knowledge was only temporary, I appreciated that these podcasts gave me enough to think about and to learn continuously.

Advice show for workplace dilemmas

I love HBR in general, so it is no surprise that I was excited to listen to their podcast when I discovered it. Dan McGinn and Alison Beard take a few questions per session and group them by themes. They then invite a guest that is an expert in the theme of the session and then spend a bit over half an hour discussing their point of view.

Take me there

How to kick ass at work without losing your humanity

Radical candor has been one of the values my last workplace had, and when it was recommended to me on Linkedin sometime later, I jumped on it. You can choose between just a few minutes to more than hour-long sessions – basically, they have something for anyone. The podcast is hosted by Amy Sandler, spans over 5 seasons, and has almost 50h of content. Happy listening!

Take me there

Conversations with change catalysts, culture-shifters, and more than a few troublemakers who are innovating, creating, and daring to lead.

If you don’t yet know who Brene Brown is, you’re missing out! She is a researcher and a storyteller who spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. She has her own Netflix show and multiple books that touch on these topics.

Take me there

Published: 18. 04. 2023
